European College of Feng Shui (ECOFS)

Your place to learn Classical Feng Shui from a China-trained practicing Feng Shui architect, teacher and consultant with over 40 years experience.

Courses and workshops

Find out more about our diverse range of courses and workshops which are hosted all over the world.

Latest news from ECOFS

Get up to date with all the latest goings from the European College of Feng Shui, including our college, workshops, events and consultancy.

Our Approach

In European College of Feng Shui (ECOFS), we aim to produce students and practitioners who are not only practically efficient but also classically correct.

Courses and workshops

Below provides an overview of the range of course and workshops we provide. 

Advanced Flying Star

 Theories and Applications.
Including case studies.

Xuan Kong Da Gua

Theories and Applications.
Including case studies.

Feng Shui study tour of China with Howard Choy

See and learn Feng Shui first hand in traditional China before it disappears in front of our eyes.

ECOFS Consulting

We all share a common desire to enhance our relationship with our environment. Our Clients range from homeowners to large commercial and residential developers. We use classical and functional methods in our audit and analysis.

Would you like to become a Feng Shui consultant?

European College of Feng Shui
Langhansstrasse 66
D-13086 Berlin

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